Monday, July 21, 2008

Spam subject title of the day

"Nazi Toddlers Ruined My Birthday"

Well, it worked...I opened the email.

Dave and I have determined that the people generating these spam email subjects are just like South Park's take on Family Guy's writers. A bunch of manatees in a tank, putting words together.

Thus spawning the term "Spamatees"

Spread the word. I want it in Webster's Dictionary by sundown. Not today's sundown...but a sundown on a day sometime in the near or distant future.


Andrew said...

Wait, you haven't told us the contents of that e-mail yet! The sheer vagueness of that title told us nothing of its contents!

lemony said...

yeah i guess it was probably one of my children...i sometimes spawn them by layin' eggs in other peoples intestines.

Andrew said...

Wait, I found the original (satirical) article here:

It says at the bottom to please share, so maybe you've been a victim of something far worse than Spamatees, Mike... perhaps it was... HOSPITALITY AND HUMOR!! DUN DUN DUN!

ScottyP said...

Good news CU team, I have finally joined the 21th century have the ability to blog. Prepare for some incoherent babbling, when ever I remember to go to the CU site. Viva los hamburgers!!

lemony said...

YAY! Scott is joining the blogging madness! Woop woop!!