Wednesday, October 24, 2007

London knows Football!

This week the NFL will have the first ever regular season game in London when the New York Giants play the Miami what does London do to celebrate this momentous occasion?

Well first they gather up the 2 best athletes they can find to pose in Halloween costume uniforms. I like how they kept the authenticity of the game as most players on the Dolphins wear wrist watches while playing. On a side note, they also used the only black guy in London. Carl.

After posing for pictures, the next obvious step is to construct an enormous statue of Jason Taylor. Again, authenticity is their highest order, so they gave him serious lower back problems and constipation.

But the one thing London REALLY got wrong and it pisses me off!!! THAT'S NOT JASON TAYLOR'S FACEMASK!!!

Other than that...Spot on London! Spot on!