Friday, August 1, 2008

Player Haters

The exclusive web pilot is here! Watch, visit the page, vote and definitely leave your comments!


Anonymous said...

Oh man good stuff. Kinda remonded me of KORGOTH in the bar. I was dying when Chunder was peeing.

"I hate you chunder"

"you have large boobies"

pure gold. I cant help but notice that Ooze looks a little but like oh i dont know, witchking! NICE.

Mike P. said...

Oooze is a direct relative of's a whole cross promotional deal to sell more of his Christmas Comedy Album...or something like that.

Unknown said...

Another series under the CU belt that is really funny. By next year you'll have at least 2,521 shows created and made for the online viewer.

I got an idea everyone has said before - Cross Animation! Imagine the players showing up on a computer the guys from Clocksuckers are using.

Tyler Glaze said...

That was a good one Mike. Ooze really makes the show. I agree with JeffPMeyer, Chunder peeing was freakin hilarious and then the comments about his dong getting all wrapped up were genius. Good one.

Hope we see some more of those.

Andrew said...

I have to say that the series' are much better than the shorts, good as they are. I was watching Clock Suckers and realized that it is even funnier than I remember it was; I bet the same will happen when I start re-watching CU. I don't know what it is, but I'm just happy to see a return to form.

Mike P. said...

Shorts are a completely different style of comedy, writing, etc

You really can't compare the two. It'd be like saying:

"I really liked that sketch on Saturday Night Live last night, but Seinfeld is still better.

With all that said, I like writing series material more.

lemony said...

that was epicly awesome!