Saturday, July 12, 2008

Gotham City Pizza

I really want to see the new Batman movie, and like any big movie, it's going to have some promotional stuff. So Dominos introduced the Gotham City Pizza!! What is a Gotham City Pizza exactly?? Is the pizza in the shape of a bat? Mushroom Joker Faces? Harvey Dent filled crust???? Nope.

No, to truly capture the feeling of Gotham City, Dominos pulled out all the stops AND......doubled the pepperoni.

Lamest promotion ever.


Unknown said...

Mmmmm, double the pepperoni on a crappy pizza. Nothing makes me want to see that movie any more than that.

I can tell you wants going to be promoted for the next Harry Potter - Penile Enlargement Pills

Unknown said...

Not even double. 50% more pepperoni cloaks the pizza in darkness...Just like BATMAN!!!
The ad campaign for this movie is just bizarre. I saw a flier at my college to "Elect Harvey Dent", and it didn't even mention the movie anywhere. There are also news clips done by Anthony Michael Hall that cover the Gotham News as if it were an actual place. Weird, man.

Marisa said...

Yeah, I saw this commercial the other day. After it was over, I realized my mouth was hanging open. I was completely dumbfounded...I don't even know what to say.

My intelligence was in pain.

And that makes about as much sense as this ad campaign.

Andrew said...

Do they really need to get this many people to see the movie? It's going to be a box office success even without all this campaigning.

crivelliman said...

Something tells me the Joker would murder her in some horrific fashion.