Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dave is here!

Well I'm back to work, and I've brought someone with me! Facebook Dave, Dave The Intern...or Dave. He's super excited too!! LOOK!


Tyler Glaze said...

Wow! Facebook Dave sure is a happy camper! It looks like he is super keen on helping you out too! I'm not sure what sort of new age sign language that is but I bet it means "YAY!"

P.S.Mike, do you have Dave living in your attic and do you feed him a bucket of fish heads once a week?

If not, you should.

lemony said...

So what is your new slaves... i mean co-workers occupation Michael?

Oh and good luck Dave!
Now back to work! *whip-splash*

Finchy said...

don't get jealous now lemon man.

Will Dave be joining you on a podcast?

lemony said...

LIES! All lies!