After losing the first two games of the year, and having a crazy up and down season...Our beloved New York Giants are playing in the Super Bowl.
I can't believe how psyched you guys are!!!
What the hell? After a bit of time without podcasts lately, I was talking to my only friend who likes football today. In order to seem like I cared, I asked about the Giants because now I know all about them from the CU Podcast. He was watching another game and seemed not to know if the Giants were still in the playoffs or who they were playing. Apparently he doesn't follow football as much as he claims!
What the hell? After a bit of time without podcasts lately, I was talking to my only friend who likes football today. In order to seem like I cared, I asked about the Giants because now I know all about them from the CU Podcast. He was watching another game and seemed not to know if the Giants were still in the playoffs or who they were playing. Apparently he doesn't follow football as much as he claims!
Go Giants!
I guess it was a good thing that you took this week off to prey for the G-men. Now you must take the next two weeks off in order for them to win BIG.
We will wait for a new podcast until then. You better make two because one is going to be filled with nothing more than G-men talk.
Alright Mike, the Giants better freakin' win. I do NOT want the Patriots to win this one. I hate them. GO GIANTS!!! WOO!!!
Go patriots bvwhahahahhaa!!
*hysterical laugh*
lolz sorry ima better go home now..
Congrats to the g-men as much as it pains me. Now just kick the Pats ass so I don't have to feel bad about getting knocked out.
Yeh alright i guess u guys did make it..whatever..congrats..
I am sad to see my Packers sent home...or well...remain home...but oh well, I'm just happy the Cowboys out...damn you Dallas....DAMN YOU!
bwhahahaa! !!
I hope they score plenty of home runs!!
Is Rick Moranis still the Giants Coach? Cuz he needs to put in the Ice Box!
i thought it was Tom Coughlin maybe im wrong...
Does Barry Bonds still play leader for the Giants? I hope he does well in the superbowl
"Is Rick Moranis still the Giants Coach? Cuz he needs to put in the Ice Box!" - funniest shit I've read in a while
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