Wednesday, October 24, 2007

London knows Football!

This week the NFL will have the first ever regular season game in London when the New York Giants play the Miami what does London do to celebrate this momentous occasion?

Well first they gather up the 2 best athletes they can find to pose in Halloween costume uniforms. I like how they kept the authenticity of the game as most players on the Dolphins wear wrist watches while playing. On a side note, they also used the only black guy in London. Carl.

After posing for pictures, the next obvious step is to construct an enormous statue of Jason Taylor. Again, authenticity is their highest order, so they gave him serious lower back problems and constipation.

But the one thing London REALLY got wrong and it pisses me off!!! THAT'S NOT JASON TAYLOR'S FACEMASK!!!

Other than that...Spot on London! Spot on!


Anonymous said...

Not to be too much of a critic but:

"Black Caribbeans form more than ten per cent of the population of the London boroughs of Lewisham, Lambeth, Brent and Hackney. Over ten per cent of Southwark, Newham, Lambeth and Hackney are Black African."

2001 London Census

Mike P. said...

Not to be too much of a critic but:

Relax. I'm joking.

Anonymous said...

The Giants don't stand a chance going against that 20 foot tall Jason Taylor!...unless they pop a hole in him maybe

Anonymous said...

And on a related note 90% of the crime in London occurs in the boroughs of Lewisham, Lambeth, Brent and Hackney. But on the plus side their high school basketball teams kick ass!!!

Anonymous said...

Miami, really, were they looking for the worst team to try to bring the sport to a new country or is it just that Miami has nothing better to do... like practice?

Finchy said...

Could they have chosen more random dudes for that photo??? Drogba from Chelsea (football/soccer team) and Martin Johnson who is a retired rugby player who was in the team who won the world cup in 2003, hes a legend!

Drogba is a girlyman, diving around the pitch like hes a ballet dancer, he wouldn't last 5 seconds playing rugby or American football.

ill be watching the game at the glorious wembely stadium!!!

Chrome Ding Dong.

Mike P. said...

Ah so those guys are actual athletes and hold some sort of meaning as to why they are in the photos! It's horrible, but it makes it a little better...
I'm pretty sure that dude in the Miami jersey (Martin?) didn't even bother to put on shoes.

Anonymous said...

Finchy! goin to the game...I heard that place is obnoxiously huge for a stadium


Finchy said...

I hope so G-men, im checking ticket prices and how to get down to London.

I want to see what the NFL experience is like. looks similar to rugby. and all rugby is is legalized violence. yay.

Ye mike, i don't know why martin forgot his shoes.

Whats also odd is they are at Chelsea stadium for that picture (Drogbas soccer team) would have made more sence for a picture at wembely.

The effort that went into this is amazingly stupid.

Unknown said...

Well this game stunk but I still loves me my american football. USA! USA! USA!