Monday, December 24, 2007

Moving On...

All good things must come to an end...sort of.

CollegeHumor let us know that this is going to be the last round of Clock Suckers. They made sure to tell us that it's not due to lack of popularity, but more about the direction that CHTV is headed. The formula that works best for CHTV are the viral skits and shorts.

Make no mistake though, we're not done working with CollegeHumor - we're actually moving right over to a new project with them. It's not a new episodic series, but a series of the viral skits. We'll be writing and animating them (CH Writers will also be writing skits). Not exactly sure when these will start up - could be once CS is done or as soon as possible. I think the initial schedule will be one per month, and possibly more as CHTV grows.

Once these new skits start up and CS stops, we should have a lot more time to re-dedicate to CU and KFK.

We're not exactly sure what to do with CS. Do we continue to produce episodes? Shop the new episodes around to other websites? We're definitely going to produce a DVD with all the episodes...and maybe a special "DVD-only" episode included.

Well, let us know what you think about all this.


Ryan said...

I think that you should keep up the CS definitely. It has a eyecatchingingly polished look to it, and the randomness of the time travel storyline works well as an outlet for the random ideas you guys come up with that might not otherwise fit with other series you happen to be working on. And the characters are awesome.

Once CH is done with CS, are you able to make an iTunes/RSS feed for it? (like you do with KFK) I think that if you had the podcast, KFK, and CS all together on iTunes it would be great for bringing people over to CU related stuff. I've noticed other content producers on iTunes have their own "Artist" page where all their podcasts are listed together.

Mike P. said...

Thanks Ryan-
Most likely we'll keep doing CS. As for it being on iTunes, technically those episodes belong to CH while they are on the web - you can actually get them on iTunes through CollegeHumor...they have a CHTV podcast with a lot of the shorts.

I'll check out the Artist thing on iTunes, I really need to just take some time and put all the CU episodes on there as well

crivelliman said...

I think Clock Suckers has a lot of merits and plenty of untapped potential. I wouldn't shelve the CS universe straight out. Since you've asked, I'm going to think about CS a little bit and see if I come up with any really genius ideas for it to work as a separate entity.

As for the immediate present (or within the next several months)of CU Studios, I would recommend sticking to the CS format, do a quick re-cap episode (so it doesn't conflict with the first episode, but still makes the "new series" yours without infringement), and whip up three or four 2-3 minute shorts that are distinctly yours, and throw them up on YouTube and Newgrounds (and of course, bonus shit on future CU DVDs). C-Suckers further promotes CU Studios, it stretches yourself artistically, and it's just goddamn funny. I think there's room for the (three?) different series you're working on, without having to directly conflict.

Not like it's my prerogative, but I'll drop an email if I think of an awesome idea for CS. Good luck, and looking forward to the Christmas/New Years episode!

Duder said...

Ah man that sucks , It had a good run. Where you gonna put CS now then? On your own space?

lemony said...

fuck, i migh as well copy/paste everything sal and ryan said cuz i agreederz! dont stop CS now it did have a great run an all, you guys should do an episode of when slimethor tries to steal christ-mas!

Anonymous said...

No more Clock Suckers? Say it ain't so! It's one of the best cartoons to be produced in years, online and off.

Finchy said...

The good thing about clock suckers is time travel, Which pretty much means the ideas for episodes are endless.

Obviously you wont have to crank out idea's as quickly and work to a schedule.

You can create them at your own pace and take more time writing scripts.

Hope things work out for you mike, Good Luck.

Happy Christmas everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

It definitely isn't time to stop CS. It is as, or more funny than family guy so there's some potential, as well as the limitless story arcs. You could always send some samples out to Comedy Central or the people at Adult Swim. I mean Comedy Central picked up Tucker Max so why not CS. If you can get through the door I think it would be worth trying.