Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Uno Attack

We talked about this commercial a long time ago on the Podcast. It's for Uno Attack. Listen to the last line. "You might get no cards. You might get eights" Sounds an awful lot like "Might get AIDS"
You'd think one of the Uno bigwigs would have picked that up.


lemony said...

they are so saying you might get AIDS
you can see that becuz of the guy whos like backing down ''oh shit not AIDS DUDE!!!''

Duder said...

Some one must have been cut for that hahah!

Anonymous said...

I just saw this on TV today, I thought they had stopped airing this years ago. It really does sound like they are saying AIDS. Of course I also remember Dubledore saying he "expected grape things" from Harry Potter in the commercials for that, and I swear the Lumber Liquidators commercial on TV now says that they are "inconveniently located near you".

cueball939 said...

Well, I guess that makes sense because they just revealed that Dumbeldor actually died of AIDS! Poor gay bastard! When will they learn to not play UNO attack in the nude... with their penises.