Thursday, November 29, 2007


Just finished watching Ratatouille...It's an awesome movie, the graphics are insane and the storytelling is so well done, as are all Pixar movies.

But one thing I couldn't stop thinking, while Remi the rat was in the kitchen and whipping up delicious treats - I heard that rats are basically incontinent which means they are constantly going to the bathroom.

So while Remi did make sure to always wash his hands and had good manners, etc - I just kept picturing him pissing all over the place.

Anywho, great movie.


Anonymous said...


cueball939 said...

If you haven't heard Patton Oswalt's CD... then you should! He is perhaps a bigger nerd than me. He talks about Star Wars, being fat and even playing Dungeons and Dragons!
I saw something on myspace about him and Ask a Ninja doing a live show somewhere pretty soon.

Mike P. said...

Yeah he's a huge nerd. You should watch The Comedians of Comedy. It follows him and 3 other comics on tour (Don't feel like typing the other names, but they are all funny)

Anonymous said...

The craziest thing about Ratatouille (completely agree that it's great) is how they managed to get all the toys and games and shit out when the movie is not exactly your average kid movie. I mean when the characters are talking about sous chefs, different types of cheeses, the zen of cuisine it's not exactly cars racing around a track. Oh, and it's absolutely gorgeous graphics wise.

Unknown said...

No matter how awesome a pixar movie is, NEVER take a date there. I learned that the hard way with this movie no less.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree it is a really great movie. Is it me or is Patrick Stewart (aka Cpt. Jean Luc Picard) concentrating more on voice over stuff.


lemony said...

random soundwave/annoying robot thing forgot his name, sounds/typing: